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[Hands-On RTOS with Microcontrollers] Introducing Real-Time Systems

by mokhwasomssi 2022. 1. 25.

Hands-On RTOS with Microcontrollers: Building real-time embedded systems using FreeRTOS, STM32 MCUs, and SEGGER debug tools

Shared via Kindle. Description: Build a strong foundation in designing and implementing real-time systems with the help of practical examples Key Features Get up and running with the fundamentals of RTOS and apply them on STM32 Enhance your programming ski


What is real-time anyway?

  • Any system that has a deterministic response to a given event can be considered "real-time"
  • If a system is considered to fail when it doesn't meet a timing requirement, it must be real-time
  • How failure is defined can vary widely
    • speed of the timing requirement
    • severity of consequences if the required real-time deadlines are not met

The ranges of timing requirements

  • To illustrate the range of timing requirements that can be encounted,
  • let's consider a few different systems that acquire readings from analog-to-digital converters (ADCs)
    • The first system
      • control the temperature of a soldering iron
      • The parts of the system
        • MCU, ADC, sensor, and heater
      • The MCU is responsible for the following
        • Taking readings from a temperature sensor via the ADC
        • Running a closed-loop control algorithm
        • Adjusting the output of the heater as needed
      • Frequency
        •  50Hz
          • The temperature of the tip  doesn't change incredibly quickly,
          • The MCU may only need to acquire 50 ADC samples per second (50Hz)
        • 5Hz
          • The control algorithm responsible for adjusting the heater runs at an even slower pace, 5Hz
      • Both of these cases are examples of real-time requirements
        • The MCU reading the ADC has up to 20 ms to transfer data from the ADC ti internal memory before a new reading needs to be taken
        • The MCU also needs to be running the control algorithm to calculate the updated values for the heater output at 5 Hz
  • How fast is real-time? it depends 
    • There is a high bandwidth network analyzer or ocsilloscope that is going to be reading an ADC at a rate of tens of GHz
    • closed-loop motion controllers, which will typically need to execute ther PID control loops between hundreds of Hz to tens of kHz
  • In some of the previous cases, failure to meet a timing requirement results in poor performance of incorrect data being reported

The ways of guaranteeing real-time behavior

  • Make sure a system is as simple as possible while still meeting the requirements.
  • Solve the problem as simply as possible, without adding additional complexity
  • If the functionality of the device is single-purposed, there are many cases where a full-blown RTOS can simply get in the way

Types of real-time systems


  • The original real-time system, hardware, is still the go-to for extremely tight tolerance and/or fast timing requirements.
  • It can be implemented with 
    • discrete digital logic
    • analog components
    • programmable logic
      • Programmable logic devices (PLDs)
      • complex Programmable logic devices (CPLDs)
      • field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs)
    • application-specific integrated component (ASIC)
  • hardware has the advantage of performing operations in parallel and instantly
  • downside for real-time hardware development
    • The inflexibility of non-programmable devices
    • The cost of full-featured programmable devices
    • The high cost of developing a custom ASIC

Bare-metal firmware

  • The firmware isn't built on top of a preexisting kernel/scheduler of some type
  • A bare-metal implementation has the advantage that the user's code has total control of all aspects of the hardware
  • The only way for the main loop code execution to be interrupted is if an interrupt fires
  • In this case, the only way for anything else to take control of the CPU is for
    • the existing ISR to finish
    • or another higher-priority interrupt to fire
  • Bare-metal firmware solutions excel when there is a small number of relatively simple tasks to perform

RTOS-based firmware

  • Firmware that runs a scheduling kernel on an MCU is RTOS-based firmware
  • The introduction of the scheduler and some RTOS-primitives allows tasks to operate under the illusion they have the processor to themselves
  • Using an RTOS enables the system to remain responsive to the most important events while performing other complex tasks in the background
  • downsides
    • Inter-dependencies can arise between tasks sharing data
      • if not handled properly, the dependency will cause a task to block unexpectedly
      • Although there are provisions for handling this, it does add complexity to the code
  • Interrupts will generally use task signaling
    • to take care of the interrupt as quickly as possible
    • and defer as much processing to a task as possible

Defining RTOS


Hard real-time systems


Firm real-time systems


Soft real-time systems


The range of RTOSes


The RTOS used in the book


Deciding when to use an RTOS

